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The fruity yogurt mix - mango lassi

20 February 2020

Ayran is drunk in Turkey and lassi in India: a cool drink made from yoghurt, fruity sweet mango puree, milk and a little honey, refined with aromatic spices, makes mango lassi the ideal accompaniment to any Indian dish.  

The yoghurt-mango mix is perfect as a fruity refreshing drink on hot days. The origins of this delicious drink lie in India and Pakistan, where it has a long history. Back then, lassi was considered an aristocratic product and was used for certain ceremonies as an offering to the gods. 

What are the health benefits of mango lassi? 

Yoghurt and fruit provide lactic acid bacteria and fiber, which ensure proper digestion and support the intestinal flora. Mango lassi is low in acidity and high in vitamins A, C and potassium. It also prevents colds and supports the metabolism.

When is lassi best served?  

The fruity yoghurt drink is ideal with hot and spicy dishes, as the fat content reduces the spiciness of the food. You can choose between salty and sweet mango lassis. Lassi tastes best freshly prepared at an Indian restaurant, such as Vedi's Indian Restaurant. However, the drink is not only suitable for hot and spicy dishes, but is the perfect companion for in between meals. 

Of course, mango lassi can also be enjoyed vegan by replacing milk and yoghurt with soy yoghurt, soy quark and soy milk.

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